"A mind once stretched by a new idea can never regain its original dimensions." ~Oliver Wendall Holmes

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Wednesday, February 03, 2010

30 things to do before I turn 31

  1. Vacation in another country (complete)
  2. Get a summer job (complete)
  3. Touch a glacier (complete) (complete better)
  4. Pay off my credit cards or truck (complete)
  5. Read at least 5 books from Newsweek's Top 100 Books:The Meta List (complete)
  6. Lose another 20 pounds
  7. Take a family photo (complete)
  8. Finish my Rubicon curriculum maps
  9. Take an exercise class
  10. Use my cookbooks to create a dish once per month (February) (March) (April) (May)
  11. Read Charles Darwin's On the Origins of Species
  12. Spend (most of) the summer in Alaska (complete)
  13. Create a profile on my HS alumni website (complete)
  14. Ship more of my belongings from Ohio to Alaska (complete)
  15. Update my resume
  16. Filet, cook, and eat a salmon that I caught (complete)
  17. Start (and contribute regularly to) a vacation fund (complete)
  18. Host a girls spa night or a game night (complete)
  19. Plan a Bingo get together with as many people as I can get (complete)
  20. Finish playing Zelda: Twilight Princess (complete)
  21. Read the Golden Compass Trilogy aloud with Avery (complete)
  22. Ban (almost) all Christmas spending this year (complete)
  23. Take enough credits(12) to move over a column on the pay scale (complete)
  24. Find a new favorite drink (complete)
  25. Visit/volunteer at the local senior center
  26. Update my photo albums
  27. Attend a city council meeting
  28. Give an anonymous gift (complete)
  29. Play in the snow/build a snow cave (complete)
  30. Visit at least 3 Alaskan villages/towns/cities that I've never been to (complete) (Nome) (Whittier) (Juneau)
The first four on the list are goals that I did not get completed on my last birthday list and the rest are new. I wanted to focus on goals that I can definitely accomplish and stay away from goals that I have no control over. I also focused on goals that have a definite end so that I can write about them as they get completed. I'm looking forward to a whole new year of fun and excitement!


Cindi said...

good luck!

Justice Bird said...

I really like your idea of annual goals to complete before your next birthday - and posting them must be great for motivation. I'm going to "borrow" the goal of touring a glacier! Thanks for an interesting read, and good luck!

Mr. Oldcorn said...

Cool place to write your goals down and make yourself accountable!

Good luck.