Adrian's surgery went well. Doctors said it went exactly as planned and there was very little blood loss (which was their biggest concern according to my mother). The tumor was inside the kidney. Doctor peeked around while he was in there and said that he didnt see anything else. The tumor has been sent away for analysis and we will find out in a couple days if the tumor was cancerous or not.
Thank you for you prayers. Thanks to God for listening.
it’s our fault
3 weeks ago
Glad to hear the surgery went without incident. Hope everything turns out ok with the biopsy...keeping her in my prayers. I hope you feel better too, I read your other post about not being motivated, I know how you feel! Gotta get up and move around a bit!
Luv ya!
That's good news! Here's to more good news when the tests come back.
I am glad it went well. St. Ritas is a very good hospital. I think you made the right decision about not going. Why go thru any more stress if she doesn't even realize your there? Will she be staying with Kim or with Aunt Jo? By the way, LOVE the new t.v. Gwen has been making noises about getting a flat screen but there is NOTHING wrong with the t.v. we have. Ugh.
Anyway, hope your energy level has picked up and your feeling better. Sounds like you've been a litte depressed lately.
Take care of yourself and just think....the school year is almost over then..VACATION TIME!! Whoot! Whoot!! Right?
Love ya,
Glad to hear the good news! Keep me informed and if you need any one to talk to day or night give me a call. The new set up is great. Like the new t.v. the wii looks awesome huh! Well gotta go. Your blog looks better every day!Love ya sis
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