"A mind once stretched by a new idea can never regain its original dimensions." ~Oliver Wendall Holmes

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Friday, October 26, 2007

What a night...

You know you've got a good haunted house when...

10...you have to explain that they cannot exit the same way the entered
9...the line is halfway across the gym
8...kids trip over each other to get out the door
7...some people skip parts just to get out sooner
6...adults come out wide eyed
5...people scream for their mommies
4...mothers are shielding their kids eyes
3...kids come out clutching on to any random member of their group
2...teenagers are scared to go in
1...kids come out crying (real tears)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Totally awsome, everything turned out great. I liked the grim reaper and the guillotine room the best. Good job Alisha and the 10th grade.

Ryan ;)