"A mind once stretched by a new idea can never regain its original dimensions." ~Oliver Wendall Holmes

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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My first salmon!

I cooked my first salmon dinner last week. I was given this salmon fillet by my kind neighbor at school, the other JH science teacher. She is a native woman and she also told me the native way of cooking it. Lay the fillet out in a baking pan. Cover it with a layer of mayo(not miracle whip). Sprinkle it with season salt. Bake 40 minutes.

I'm not a big salmon fan. It's a bit too fishy for my tastes. I prefer mild white fish. BUT MAN...was this good. I was scared that my first try wouldn't come out too well, but it did! And what a HUGE fillet. I never realized salmon where so big. Native people eat alot of salmon. It is a big part of their subsistent lifestyle. They eat it so many ways...baked, canned, dried. They love it! The lady that gave the fish to me was telling me that she sometimes eats salmon for breakfast.

1 comment:

Brian & Janelle said...

Salmon for breakfast is way to MUCH!

Hope all is well,