"A mind once stretched by a new idea can never regain its original dimensions." ~Oliver Wendall Holmes

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

It's official

I got my Alaska drivers license and plates, and am registered to vote. I'm not sure what it takes to officially be an Alaskan resident, but I think these things must be a least part of it. YOOHOO! Yay me! My jaw almost hit the counter at the DMV, when the lady said my registration was $196! You've got to be kidding. Yes, but that's for two years. Even so, it's still crazy expensive. Then my drivers license was 20 and my engine heater and oil pan heaters were $444. That's almost $700 i've dropped just to drive in a town with only 35 miles of roads. Have I lost it or what? So, I took my license plates home, but I haven't put them on yet because I don't have the right tools and because my truck is so ridiculously dirty, that I want to wait until I get a chance to wash it. Then I realized that no one can see my plates anyway because there so covered with snow. The funny thing is that if I knock off all the snow, you still wont be able to see the plates because they're covered with mud leftover from the fall muddy season. Oh, well. I'll get my plates on as soon as...oh, I dont know...whenever. It's not like anyone will notice.


Anonymous said...

Gee, put a bow on your license plate and toilet, and say Merry Christmas!

You kids have a good time in Anchorage and take some pictures.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

Alisha and Avery--Happy Thanksgiving.

Thanks you for sharing your life in Alaska with bloggers like me. I am just fascinated by your northern "adventures" and "challenges."

Enjoy Anchorage.

Aunt Julie

alisha said...

I am planning to have a GREAT time in Anchorage. Thanks for the well wishes.

Happy Thanksgiving