"A mind once stretched by a new idea can never regain its original dimensions." ~Oliver Wendall Holmes

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Monday, September 10, 2007

Dirty laundry

These are Avery's socks. He wore them outside playing in the mud. He did have on mud boats and still managed to get his socks this dirty. He apparently doesnt realize that the boots only go up to his knees and if he steps in mud deeper than that, he will get mud in his boots. You can see the white at the top where they were folded under and didnt get dirty in that spot. This is how dirty everything is here. All of his socks look like this now. Nobody seems to mind, that's just the way it is. Even dirty, I think Avery is one of the best dressed kids at school. When I was packing to come here, I sorted through all of our clothes and got rid of things that were stained or ragged. Now, I wish I would have brought that stuff and left the nice clothes back home. Avery got invited by one of his school friends to a sleep over birthday party this weekend. He seems pretty excited about it. I'm happy to see him making friends and fitting in. They are measuring caribou antlers for part of a math project. In social studies, they are studying frontiersmen and are going to load a backpack with supplies and see which of them can carry it on their backs. Life is good! What a different world we live in!

1 comment:

Brian & Janelle said...

Looks like Avery is having fun getting dirty! not that it is hard for a boy let alone being n the tundra :-)