"A mind once stretched by a new idea can never regain its original dimensions." ~Oliver Wendall Holmes

Current Weather Info

Current Sun and Moon Info

Friday, September 07, 2007

What I miss

paved roads
listening to the radio
being able to "pick up a six pack"
unlimited water
the moon
being able to guess what time it is by looking at the sun
selection at stores
nice clothes/shoes
shorts, tank tops, and sandels
driving out of town
being in the same time zone as most businesses
mcdonalds and other similiar restaurants
being able to go to the store to pick up whatever you need
mail delivered straight to the house
trash pick up at the house
going out on saturday night
things working the way they're supposed to, when they're supposed to

What I dont miss
uptight people
superficial people
unfriendly people
mean people
always feeling like i'm in a rush
people who only care about themselves or their "stuff"
two faced people
being judged by your appearance
designer brands
not feeling like I have the time to relax
disrespectful students
not knowing the names of all my neighbors
sweating on a hot day
living in someone elses house
corn fields, bean fields, or any other similiar crop field
unfounded and unneccesary laws and regulations
tornado drills

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

VANTAGE MISSES YOU TOO!!!! hoping you miss us enough to return soon :) --stacie marie--