"A mind once stretched by a new idea can never regain its original dimensions." ~Oliver Wendall Holmes

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Thursday, December 06, 2007

More Robotics pics

Make sure you look at the previous blog post so that you can get a better description of robotics and a video of the team in action.
Here's the team sitting on the bleachers getting ready for the first round.
This is the team giving their project presentation to the judges.
Here's the team during the teamwork judging. The judges said that they had built the tallest structure all day!
Here's the team with coaches and robot.
Here's the team receiving their awards.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This looks like such a great activity for the kids. Real fun and real learning. Makes me wish I could do it too.

Keep posting all the interesting things about this life you have now. I love to read it and see how many more adventures you are having.

It has been extra cold here in Ketchikan...even the locals are complaining. But we have no wind and no snow yet....I can wait for that.

My little Christmas tree is bringing me cheer. It's hard to be by yourself for thses holidays but I am enjoying practicing for the Singing Christmas Tree at church. Two performances tonight, one tomorrow and two on Sunday.

Time for work now.....
