"A mind once stretched by a new idea can never regain its original dimensions." ~Oliver Wendall Holmes

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Thursday, July 31, 2008

I'm a Monkey!

I went out for lunch at my favorite chinese restaurant today and with no one to keep me company, I began pondering the place-mat in front of me. It gave the symbols and descriptions of the 12 Chinese Zodiac signs and, according to them, I'm a monkey. I cant remember exactly what the place-mat said about monkeys, so I googled 'chinese zodiac' got a description from the web. This description is much more detailed than the restaurant place-mat. What do you think? Does this sound like me?


No task is too great for the clever Monkeys. They master most anything. They have extremely charming manners that draw others. Monkeys solve difficult problems with ease.They are quick-witted,innovative, and they have total and intense belief in themselves. No one delights in their own accomplishments like the Monkeys. Enjoying themselves immensely, they try anything at least once! Monkeys are intellectual and their memory is phenomenal. They recall the smallest details of everything they have seen,read, and heard. They must depend on that memory since they have an otherwise untidy mind. Monkeys are wizards with money. They are original, shrewd, and when they need to, they can fool anyone.There are a hundred and one fantastic schemes they want to try, and you can bet they make some of them work. Even when they take you in, it is hard to be angry with them, or begrudge them anything. They don't care what opinions others have of them. They know they are lucky, and they also know they have the ability to change things when convenience calls. Monkeys are virtually unsinkable! When the odds are stacked against them, Monkeys know when to quit. Their timing is superb, and they will wait to try another time. If you try to trick Monkeys, they will probably catch you. They never make a move without a plan. They are great strategists. They can spot an opportunity in any form. They never miss a trick!

Monkeys are hard workers once they have a piece of the action. The bigger the piece, the better they do. Monkeys like to travel, and they want to do it first class.They need a certain amount of excitement in their lives.

Since Monkeys get what they want without too much trouble, they may not care about all their conquests. They lose interest quickly and must learn to finish what they start and take care of what they have. People always flock around Monkeys,but Monkeys don't trust very much. They know a select group of friends that they choose carefully. Money is a must for Monkeys, and they usually have it, or will be in the process of getting it.They know nothing is permanent. They improve and try to do better, and often amaze even themselves. Monkeys like facts and they hateto waste time. Always remember, Monkeys don't care if you approve of them or not, and if not careful, you will be eating right out of their hands! They are the ultimate diplomats and slip in and out of difficulties with ease.

Monkeys must be careful in romance, although clear-sighted, they are very critical and lose interest in anyone they can't consider their peer.They are vain and egotistical,but even that is to their advantage. Monkeys are always out in front!

According to the Chinese zodiac, I should marry a rat or a dragon. When I got to looking at all of the signs and which other signs it said each was compatible with, I noticed a pattern. Basically, each sign is compatible with the sign that is 4 or 8 years older or younger than them. I thought that was kind of interesting. So, for me I would be compatible with someone born in 1976 or 1972. So, where are you Mr. 1976 or Mr. 1972?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You inspired me to look mine up---I think I ended up at the same site you did, if the graphics are anything to go by. I'm a boar! (And glad it's spelled that way!)
I agreed with a lot of the statements made about boars, but felt like the ones that were wrong were WAY off the mark! For instance--"Boars are peace lovers and don't hold grudges." I am a peace lover, but I hold grudges like nobody's business!

I'm hoping this part is right eventually, though..."Fortune favors Boars"...although it's probably referring to spiritual fortune and not actual money, knowing my luck.

So, thanks for the inspiration---it was fun to read the description and do a little introspection.