"A mind once stretched by a new idea can never regain its original dimensions." ~Oliver Wendall Holmes

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Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Number 8: Fix my IRA and other retirement accounts

After the "powers that be" decided to start screwing over teachers in Ohio, I decided to get my retirement money from my first few years of teaching outta there. I opened an IRA, set up a monthly contribution, and rolled all my Ohio money into it. I also adjusted some of the beneficiaries on some of my retirement and life insurance policies in addition to updating my will. It's a difficult thing to figure out what to do with your money when you dont like your closest relatives...when your extended family doesnt need it...and when your friends really are your family. Well, it's all set up one way or another. What difference does it make to me? I'll be dead. Do I really care about what happens to my money after I die? Yes and no.

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