"A mind once stretched by a new idea can never regain its original dimensions." ~Oliver Wendall Holmes

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Friday, January 06, 2012

Number 22: Complete a 30 day challenge on EA active

Back in 2008 after I had first bought my Wii, I used this game along with some other methods to lose about 30 pounds. I never did finish the 30 day challenge though. Over the last couple of years, I've wanted to buy new workout games for the Wii, but I've always talked myself out of it based on the fact that I had never really "fully" played the ones that I already had. So this September, I buckled down to lose some more weight and complete the 30 day challenge. I got to day 18 before I decided that this game is just not for me. I could have finished the challenge, but I didnt because I dont like this game anymore now that my physical fitness has increased and I've been working out more during the last couple of years. The game is just too slow. I get frustrated with it because I dont want to wait in between exercises...I just want to DO IT. I'm crossing it off as complete anyway because I decided that I dont want to do the 30 day challenge. Not because I cant.

1 comment:

Tempo said...

'Such Is Life' were the famous last words of Australian born Irish Bushranger Ned Kelly right before he was hanged in Melbourne jail on 11 November 1880 in Victoria Australia.. (just saying)