It seems every now and then, I need to blow off steam about how unbelievably busy my schedule is. Sometimes I cant believe how busy I allow myself to get. I was thinking about it the other day and realized that I'm actually working three side jobs along with taking two classes. Then, of course, there's all the regular stuff that goes along with regular life and raising a child (who also has a busy schedule).
Two Fridays ago I started to get a really bad sore throat, then on the following Monday a major head cold set it. I was miserable all week and missed two days of school. in addition to all the other stuff I had to do, I was out for the count for a couple of days(which meant sub plans). My cold is still hanging out and just wont completely go away. I'll be leaving soon to chaperone the regional music festival in Nome and sleeping on the floor for three days (which also means sub plans).
So, here's the run down, not including my regular teaching day...
Monday 4:45-6:45 meet with my summer school co-teacher about planning the summer science camp (side job 1).
Tuesday 4:30-6:45 class about aggression with a coworker. Biggest Loser on TV and usually my best workout of the week, although I havent been working out much lately because I'm just so busy that when I have some down time all I want to do is relax. I did ride the stationary bike tonight for about 30 minutes.
Wednesday 4:15-5:30 SIOP class with a group of other teachers, this class also includes reading chapters, journaling, trying new stuff in the classroom, and going to observe other teachers during my prep period
Thursday- nothing specific scheduled for this day, but this week on thursday I am traveling with the music kids to Nome for the music festival. This is often the evening the I worked on people's taxes (side job 3), but now I have all of those done now.
Friday-nothing specific this night either, but certainly there's always something going on. This Friday I'll be in Nome, last Friday I was at the NYO tournament with Avery. The friday before that Avery had kids over for a movie night and I made jam.
Saturday 8am-3:30pm work with the science curriculum committee revising the science curriculum for the school district(side job 2). Last Saturday I also spent time over at Avery's NYO tournament watching his award ceremony. I walked back and forth a couple times between the two schools. the Saturday before that I hosted the spa night and the one before that was Cama-i weekend.
Sunday 11am-12:30 is church, then I usually do alot of cooking and cleaning and stuff. This Sunday we actually spent some time out on the river snowmaching. We rode down to a couple of the villages downriver and just fooled around for awhile. It was a warm (34degrees), sunny day and I was happy to get out and enjoy it.
It's alot to take on at the same time, but I'm enjoying all of the things that I'm involved in. I just wish it wasnt all at the same time.
it’s our fault
3 weeks ago
Ya, that's a busy girl... When are you not busy even when you weren't a teacher you were always doing something or going somewhere!! Things don't change much with you.Anyways you will have a funfilled life. I love you talk to ya soon..
As your appointed sub, I appreciate the hard work getting sub plans ready! Thanks and safe travels with the musicians. Oh, and take some're gonna need it! I subbed for Mr. Carlson for one hour and was ready to apply at AC!
I've tried to comment on your blog a couple times, but it will not let me.
No worries...your kid1 will be in good hands tomorrow. I'll make sure she gets home safe and sound. :)
Thanks for subbing! Although, I apologize for not having more engaging sub plans for you.
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