"A mind once stretched by a new idea can never regain its original dimensions." ~Oliver Wendall Holmes

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Our house

So, this is our apt. It's a duplex. There's another apt attached to it on the right. Our side is a small two bedroom. It's nice and clean with new carpet, appliances and cabinets. We're pretty happy with it and my landlord has been wonderfully helpful. Notice the sidewalk is made from old wood pallets, then it just drops off into the sand. It makes me feel like I'm living in a cottage on the beach, but I'm sure I wont feel that way in a couple months.

This is my backyard. This is the view out of Avery's bedroom window. Just open tundra.

This is the side yard. This is the view out of the living room window. more tundra. We looked at an apt. in that gray building. It was a two story with the bedrooms and bathrooms downstairs and the living, dining and kitchen upstairs. It was very spacious, but expensive. Three of the other new teachers share that apt. and we hang out there sometimes. Even though it is not painted and looks like it is in disrepair...it is actually quite nice on the inside. that saying, "you cant judge a book by it's cover" is oh-so-true here in Bethel.

This is the other side yard. This would be the view out of my neighbors windows, but not mine. More tundra. Our apt is the very last house on the street, so there is tundra all around it and no traffic. It's great. I feel very fortunate to have found this place.

Well, today was the first of two days of open house at the school. I worked from 8-4, then from 5-8:30. I'm beat. I'll have the same schedule again tomorrow, but here's the good news....FRIDAY OFF! So, with labor day on Monday...that means a four day weekend. whoooyooo!


Brian & Janelle said...

You are way out there in the middle of nowhere aren't you :-)

alisha said...

no, actually I'm in the middle of the city. If you could call any part of the city "downtown", then we'd be downtown. we just happen to be at the very end of our road, so we have tundra all around us.