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Monday, August 27, 2007

The barge

This is the barge as it is first turning upriver into Bethel. The small orange boat up ahead is the "pilot" boat. It guides the barge up the river and into Bethel port. The small white boat in front of the barge is the tugboat that tugs the barge.

A closer look at the tugboat pulling the barge. You can see the chains that connect the two. Click on the picture to make it bigger.

A side view of the entire barge. My truck and all of our stuff was in one of those metal crates. You can see how high the crates are stacked and how much heavy machinery, trucks, houses, etc are all stacked on top.

This pic shows a man standing on the barge to give you an idea of scale.

Here are two men standing on the barge to give you another perspective on scale. This barge services many cities in "bush" Alaska, so not all of that stuff is for Bethel. This was a happy day for us. It was the day the truck and all of our stuff arrived in Bethel. Pots and pans, sheets and blankets, plates and bowls, towels and washclothes...you never know how much you miss that stuff until you go without it for awhile.

Here's another tugboat pushing the barge from behind.

A pic of the whole barge as it goes past.

One of the barge and Avery. In this pic you can get a glimpse of how beautiful the Kuskokwim River is. And how BIG!

This is the barge docked at the port and preparing to be unloaded. You can see the huge crane that will unload the barge. My understanding is that items for Bethel are unloaded and then items that need shipped out are loaded. The barge originally started in Seattle (that's where I put my truck on), it stops at many cities along the panhandle, then has a major stop in Anchorage, then heads West and North, around to Bethel and all the way to Nome.

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