"A mind once stretched by a new idea can never regain its original dimensions." ~Oliver Wendall Holmes

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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My very own blog!

Wow! I have a blog now. Well, I'm hoping this will be a good way to keep my friends and family up to date on what's happening with me(and Avery, too). I hope that all of you will read this and like it and post comments so I can hear from you. I miss everyone and hope to hear from you. Reading and posting on my blog will give me something to do on the cold, long winter nights. :) Avery and I both like Bethel alot and we are happy that we decided to come. The people here are wonderful and have made us feel welcome in every way. My neighbor loaded our arms with fresh grow vegetables today which are hard to come by in Bethel. Not very many people have gardens here, but the ones that do, have beautiful, healthy plants because of all the rain and sunlight. We went to a friends house tonight for dinner. They invited over several of the new teachers and we had a real good time. They made salmon with an interesting sauce baked on top. It was delicious. They have a boy Avery's age and they have made fast friends. Him and Avery have built a time capsule and are gathering items to put inside. The burial is tomorrow. There are so many things I want to tell you about, but I will have to post more later. Today was our first teacher workday and I am so ready for bed. I can't believe it's time to start another school year already.

1 comment:

Laura Stocksdale said...

Hi Alisha,
I've been sharing your blogs with Adam ~ he thinks it's so cool that Avery got to move to Alaska. It blows my mind how expensive everything is there. Hopefully, the cost of living is relative to income otherwise I don't know how people would make it. Sonya was talking at orientation how she plans to have her 2 Sr. English classes correspond & I would like to do the same. Perhaps we could even set up some sort of pen pal format with your students & ours. Let me know what you think.
Take care,