The mighty Banyan tree
Dont they look like their doin' the Tango or something?
He ate his own poo! Gross!
Alika and Aweli...
Never been this close...
A freakin' savannah...I said something to Avery about the African Savannah and he thought I was sayin' a freakin' savannah...
He looks so thoughful...
The chimps were really neat...
Bucktooth llama...
A lazy Sunday...
The sign says it all...
Very cool bird song...
Some gorgeous views from Hawai'i...
Remember when we went to Fairbanks and I wrote about the McKinley Mac? Well, here in Hawaii there's the McTeri. It's a quarter pounder with teriyaki sauce...and notice the pineapple. They serve it with every value meal! They also have 'local favorites' breakfasts which include a nice, juicy, hot slab of SPAM! Yum!
Sleeping on Russia and China
4 weeks ago
Ok, look closer at the first pic of the chimp. Hint hint...the
mind in the gutter anyone?
dont they have banyan trees in spain too? I remember how cool the roots were, but I dont remember seeing any quite so HUGE in spain.
How'd the moose turn out on Christmas?
we have been looking at your bloggs...really cool. the kids are loving it and i am jelous!!you have to call me because i dont have your number. we wanted to thank you for the xmas gift. the bath foamies are really cool and they actually work. they are hanging in the kids tub right now. They reall got a kick out of the hole santas house. nathan kept asking questions about it. so thank you very much it was really cool. CALL ME women!!
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