"A mind once stretched by a new idea can never regain its original dimensions." ~Oliver Wendall Holmes

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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Square Pepperoni?

Have you ever had school pizza? The kind with the little square pepperoni? (What's the plural for pepperoni? Pepperoni? Pepperonies?) I think that pizza is so good. Something about it. I dont know, but I like it. Maybe it has to do with childhood memories. We dont have it here (we dont even have a cafeteria and I didnt take that pic), but there is this one kind of frozen pizza called Red Baron that tastes alot like the old school pepperoni pizza with the square pepperini. Yum!


Kale Iverson said...

Holy Shit! Our pizza totally looks like that.

Charisse said...

Mmmmmm, Red Baron pepperoni pizza is my favorite!!! Love it!