"A mind once stretched by a new idea can never regain its original dimensions." ~Oliver Wendall Holmes

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Saturday, March 01, 2008


and lonely.

I miss you!


Anonymous said...

A good time for relection too....

Maybe you and Chandra can think up something adult for fun and laughs????

You have been so brave for so long Alisha. It's Ok to feel lonely too. This time will pass.

I am getting aclimated to my new job and life does have its sunny moments again. God is good all the time. Some days it's just harder to remember that than on other days.

Hang in there....

Edna in Florida

Kale Iverson said...


Welcome to my world. Loneliness is a fickle foe. I'm going to write a blog post just for you.

But basically, idle hands equal lonely heart, a silent home is a scary home, keeping contact with the outside world is important, let yourself get to know yourself, and think of happy times to come.

Give me a call if you need to!
(#'s on my blog)

Smile Alisha, you're a hero on a great adventure called life.

I know a lot of us are very proud of what you're doing in life!

alisha said...

Thanks for the encouraging words.