"A mind once stretched by a new idea can never regain its original dimensions." ~Oliver Wendall Holmes

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Number 11: Collect 5 new sand samples

I spent quite a bit of time on Lake Erie and Lake Michigan this summer. I collected 3 sand samples from our trip to the sand dunes at Silverlake. I collected 1 sand sample from near Montegue, MI when a few of us Alaskan teachers met up in Michigan. I collected 2 sand samples from Lake Erie.

The sand in the front right was collected by my friend Angie on her trip to Australia the summer. Usually my rule is that I only collect sand from places I've actually been, but I couldnt turn down the bright red sand that she was thoughtful enough to bring back for me. I looks like paprika :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Number 13: Visit a National Park or World Heritage Site

It just so happens that Christy lives in the heart of the Smokey Mountains, which is not only a National Park, but also a World Heritage Site! So, I guess I did both of these things all in one shot.

Christy and I hiked a small portion of the Appalachian Trail in the rain. It was a pretty strong electrical storm with thunder that roared. It felt like we were right up there with the thunder and lightening. It was a big scary for a few minutes!!!

Seems like my kinda place.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Number 12: Visit a friend I havent seen for over a year

Oh, my dear friend, Christy...

Christy moved from Bethel to North Carolina about three years ago (has it really been that long?) I finally made it to NC to see her this summer and what an amazing time we had!
I really spent a great deal of my time at Christy's laying in the hammock, reading, and enjoying the view. And what a splendid view it was!!!

Christy's garden was producing enough zucchini to allow us to throw some on the grill nearly every night. We had delicious meals off of the grill and it was wonderful.

The neighborhood was so amazing and Fontana Lake across the street was beautiful. I've decided that this is the place that I want to buy a house near Christy.

It's like paradise up in those Smokey Mountains and I want my piece of paradise. Not to mention...I hear the neighbors are nice :)

Friday, September 09, 2011

Number 29: Be able to run or bike a half marathon

After only a few days in Indiana this summer, I discovered that Kassia owns a really nice bike. I decided to take it for a ride and got a little too far from home one night with Adam.

This little adventure led to the discovery of a bike trail. Further online research told me that this bike trail was about 12 miles one way from Highland, IN to Crown Pointe, IN. A couple mornings later, I got up early and made it my mission to ride the trail.

Here I am hot and sweaty in Crown Point. The trail was amazing and the ride was refreshing. It took about 50 minutes each way and I ended up back home before noon. And since the trail was 12 miles long, I actually almost did a whole marathon rather than a half. I know there's no marathon for bikes, but I'm happy with my accomplishment nonetheless.

I even saw a turtle crossing the bike trail. Good times.