Bethel might not be the prettiest place on earth, but I would be willing to argue that we have some of the most beautiful sunsets. These pictures are mostly taken out of my living room window and Avery's upstairs bedroom window.

All of these were taken at Midnight last night. Most of these pictures are the view from my couch in the evenings. Are you jealous?

Because we had some clouds come late in the day yesterday, the sun shining off of the dense rain clouds made the deepest purple colors I've ever seen in a sunset.

See my herbs growing in the window? They are loving our 18hr36min days! They are growing soooooo fast!

Amazing, isnt it?
1 comment:
Beautiful! It's amazing to me how "beachy" your pictures look lately--the sunsets, the river pictures...they don't SEEM like Alaska! :-)
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