Number 19 on the
birthday list is complete! A group of about 9 of us went to play Bingo tonight. We had a great time! It was mostly us girls with only a couple of guys thrown in. In addition to enjoying the friends and the game of Bingo, I also like going because the Bingo hall is 1 of the 3 places in town that you can get a fountain soda. I indulged in two fountain Dr. Peppers while I played tonight.

But...you want to hear the best part? I won!

That's right...I got a BINGO! I won $65.

I was so surprised and shocked that I could barely contain myself.

How awesome is that? A little extra spending cash never hurt!
woot woot !!!!!!
Holla! yippy! congrats
Good Luck to you! Grandma Deanna was with you... Your looking good your face has slimmed down. It sure shows all the exercise you've been doing! Did you get Essiney's letter in the mail? It was so cute I made her a copy for her baby book. Talk to ya soon...
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