If you start your truck because you are going to let it warm up for a few minutes, but then go into work and get going and forget that you started your truck, and then leave it running for over an hour with the defroster and heater on full blast, it will warm up the truck enough to melt all of the snow and ice off of it even though it is only 15 degrees outside. It will also use up about 4 gallons of gas. It will also be blazing hot in the truck and cause you to sweat the entire way home, even though you've got the windows rolled down and it's still 15 degrees out.
Just in case you were wondering...
it’s our fault
3 days ago
Good to know.....lol. Sorry you know it to tell us.....
I am still laughing....only ALISHA!!! oh wait that sounds like something i woul do not you!!!haha hope you have a good rest of you week!!
Oh ya can you send my your address so i can send you an anonymous xmas card again this year!!
Guess who!!!
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