1 hour horseback riding in the forest with rambunctious horses
1 ten day old horse that walked right up and let us pet it
1 sloppy apple eaten out of my hand by a horse named Maggie (Measle)
1 crazy buzzing insect chasing us
100's of great conversations
3 camp fires
1 bag of shmellows
6 smores
1 hungry deer who let us walk within 10 feet of it
1 pesky raccoon that needed chasing away
10 year old who learned to play rummy and to shuffle using the bridge
1 drink of pop squirted out of the mouth through outrageous laughter
1 hour of playing keepaway in the pool with the golden orb of atlantis (did i miss any adjectives?)
1 major back smack while falling into the river from a tree
3 rope swings
1 tipped canoe and some stinky mud
1 really interesting late night shower
3 people with sore (ab) muscles from rowing, swimming, and carrying on
3 sunny days
1 rainy day and some thunder
1000's of smiles and lots of laughs
1 broken lantern (not ours)
2 really great views of the milky way and many conversations about celestial objects
1 spectacular radio station
looks like you had an amazing time!! Thats all I can say!!
I miss aunt alisha very much love, essiney
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