I went frisbee golfing yesterday. I have been looking forward to frisbee golf ever since i decided to come home for the summer. It was 80 degrees and sunny. 18 holes of disc golf and I FINALLY got some sun. It's about time! Taboo loved it. He walked/ran the whole course with me. It was sooooo much fun. Just such a joy to be out in the open grass/park wearing a tank top, shorts, and sandals carrying nothing but a bottle of water with my dog in tow. Taboo has seemed so happy since we've been home. I dont know if it's the heat/weather or just being outside more, but he is a happy camper.
Just driving on the highway with all the windows open and the breeze and sunshine was amazing. With a few good radio stations, I felt like I could just drive down the highway continuously and be content. I really missed just being able to hop in the car and cruise down the road to where ever life may take me.
I went to the drive-in on Saturday night and kicked back with a lawn chair and a beer in my hand. It wasnt quite the same without my big truck, but it was still an amazing time. I really enjoyed the cool night air, the futile threat of some rain clouds, and staring up at the sky full of stars.
I'm on my way out to play PuttPutt tonight and currently planning a trip to chicago for the "taste of chicago" festival and a cirque du soleil show. I'm also planning at least a week (maybe two) with my friends up in Sandusky with lots of Cedar Point in the agenda. I dont know what I was thinking when I thought I'd work...when? I pretty much have plans almost every week until mid July!
Hope your summer is turning out as stupendous as mine!
it’s our fault
3 days ago
Hey you! My mom said she met you at W-M the other day! Hope you are doing well....I keep updated on your blog all the time! I'm so happy your home! Enjoy the sunshine while it's here! Take care...Lindsi
Hi Lindsi!
So good to hear from you! Your mom said you are doing really great with school and everything. I'm so proud of you! Have a great summer!
I am actually going to be in Germany those weeks so I shall be missing the taste this year. :( This summer surprisingly filled up for me too. I might have to get the jump on these things earlier next year.
you have a drive-in in your town?? where you can drink beer?? that sounds fantastic!
Germany will be much more fun I'm sure!
Yes. Yes. It is! :) you have the beach though...I think that trumps the drive in!
Do you mind sending me your email? That way I can keep in touch with you ? I'm on email, and Myspace, so you can get me either way!
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