There are only two seasons in Bethel...mud boot season and snow boot season. After a long grueling snow boot season, mud boot season is back. We are having a major meltdown here. Temps have been above freezing each day for almost a week now. On Monday, it got up to 44 degrees and yesterday it was 38 when I left school. As I was walking out to my 'not new anymore' truck, I was trying to navigate around all of the major puddles and stay on high ground. As I stepped down on a patch of compacted snow, it gave way beneath me and I found myself ankle deep in frigid melt water. It was then that I realized that mud boot season had arrived. Today its below freezing again so everything was frozen, which is good because all the slush is really hard to drive in. I had to get through slush a foot deep on my road and a virtual lake as a driveway. Merry spring!
Our days are up to 13hours and 31 minutes. Tomorrrow will be 5minutes and 40 seconds longer . It is just amazing to me how quickly the days get longer. I am grateful for the extra dayligtht, but it really makes getting to bed (and getting avery to bed) at night difficult when it is still light out at 10pm. I've noticed that bedtime has been getting progressively later and later all the time.
The mayor of Anchorage was in town for the Cama-i festival. He is running for congress or senate or something and wants our votes. He had some nice things to say, but the overwhelming feeling I got from him was that he didnt really care about the festival or community, he was only there because he knew he could reach many people at this gathering. He and his wife seemed extremely out of place with there trendy clothes and proper English.Here is Avery and one of our house guests, Jake, at the restaurant where we ate lunch. My other house guest, Vicki, was craving sushi, so we ate lunch at the sushi place. Can you believe we have a sushi place?
I still have lots more stories about Cama-i. More pictures and videos to come, but I had to tell you about the weather.
Baseball’s Screwy Economics
1 day ago
i can't imagine it staying light until 10! i'd probably never go to sleep! even though i'm sure it might get annoying, i would LOVE to have days that long!
btw, thanks SO much for all your "green" suggestions! they're really great! i'm so impressed that you do all those things.
yo disha,
you got a big ups, check it out.
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