I finally got some batteries for my camera, so I have uploaded some random pics that I've taken recently. The thoughts that will accompany these pics are also pretty random as I have many things to say, but none of them really relate to each other.
Funny story...a few nights ago, Avery and I were sitting at the dinner table, we were just finishing up our dinner and Avery said to me..."Do you remember talking in your sleep yesterday when you were taking a nap?" (I had fallen asleep on the couch in the early evening and taken a nap) I said, "no, what did I say?" He told me that while I was sleeping, I had asked him what he was doing and he had replied that he was watching tv. Then, I asked, "Do you get paid for watching tv?" and he said no. And then, I said, "well, that's good because I didnt want to have to claim that on my taxes."
That's not even the funny part...as I was listening to him tell me this story, I was finishing up my glass of milk that I had with dinner. When he got to that last part, I laughed while I was swallowing my milk and it all came spewing out of my nose. Avery took my picture with milk hanging off of my nose. geez...i havent spewed milk out of my nose since I was a kid. Needless to say...you gotta know tax time is a big deal when you talk about it in your sleep. The good news? my taxes are done! Yoohoo!Avery got 9th place at the state wrestling tournament. I think this is really good considering that it's his first state tournament. I am expecting that he will just continue to become a better and better wrestler each year. He definitely has some natural talent. Notice how long his hair is. He's been letting it grow out for awhile and it is finally long enough that it is starting to look good again.
Taboo has finally accepted Bailey, which is good, because she just adores him. She is growing so fast. She's already over 20lbs and the vet says she's a really healthy pup. She had her last round of shots and is good to go for awhile. She is a really good dog. She's feisty and fun, but she's smart and learns fast.
I did feed that dogs both some yogurt, but Bailey's one ear is still droopy. The vet says that he thinks she will eventually let both ears droop and he's not sure why she's still holding the one ear up. Taboo is so old and gray these days, but he's still my baby.
Avery took this pic...Bailey asleep on the Packer pillow and it looks like she's wearing the helmet. Too cute! Look how long she is!
This pic just cracks me up and I had to share it. This is the handicap ramp at the HS. Obviously we dont have any wheelchair bound students or staff. Gotta put the snow somewhere, right?
Baseball’s Screwy Economics
1 day ago
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