Take a Dance Class at Valpo University
Monthly Bible study topic
Polish my shoes
Visit southern Michigan beaches
Visit Cowles Bog
Visit the train museum
Visit Taltree Arboretum and Gardens
Go on a NWI winery/brewery tour
Attend the Porter County Fair
See a CSO at the movies performance
Go sledding at the Valpo sled hill
Get the well working
Remodel the laundry room
Have a picnic at a park
Learn to braid my hair
Volunteer for Librivox
Yoga class/yoga in the park
Host a multiple course dinner party
Get back in the hundreds
Read Mitchner's Poland
Segway tour
Get past 10 push ups
Go to a horse race
Tour a brewery
Make a 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 photo albums
Make a time capsule
Go skiing
Find out about my grandmothers grave
Refinish my grandmothers desk
Ride a hot air balloon
Attend a cherry blossom festival
Attend a local festival or concert
Learn to play an instrument
Use the Duolingo app to learn some polish
Visit a botanic garden in Michigan
Have a water balloon or water gun fight
Make wine, beer, or other spirit
Make all my t-shirts into a quilt
Complete my couch to 5K app
Stay at a bed and breakfast
Read Mitchner's Poland
Segway tour
Get past 10 push ups
Go to a horse race
Tour a brewery
Make a 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 photo albums
Make a time capsule
Go skiing
Find out about my grandmothers grave
Refinish my grandmothers desk
Ride a hot air balloon
Attend a cherry blossom festival
Learn to play an instrument
Use the Duolingo app to learn some polish
Visit a botanic garden in Michigan
Make all my t-shirts into a quilt
Complete my couch to 5K app